My Poetry

Final Cleaned WordPress Posts

Title: Hello world..
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 18:29:27 +0000
Chaos, right? How would you describe your world.

Is there any way to bring in control? One may not control, but one can gain focus.

To understand what is within you, that which you express outside, languages learned in schools or books are unhelpful. One must define what success means to yourself, to be able to chart out a path that is then followed until journey's end. This is the most personal thing you can ever have. It should be handled with care, nurtured, and polished to ensure the strength needed to fight any outer forces, develops and protects the otherwise wandering sole traveler.

Nothing is guaranteed, neither the journey nor the path or even any destination, just the end. Yes, eventually we all get there. One way or another, we must, otherwise what? An alternative is a never-ending vicious circle of repetition that not only tires and wears out, but makes soulless the purpose of your endeavour.

So what about that dystopian future then? The one where the machines take over and extinguish the very reason of existence - organic species. Well it's hard to predict, rather impossible, because that what isn't cannot be known. So it holds true as well for that which wasn't. The past, present, and whatever else there may be - is not in your hands or even your mind. Because the mind, which is only in the mind, has hands of its own that are not bound by the self-limiting constraints of circumstance. Context is everything - this is the only liberation one can ever hope for. Freedom not from chaos or this world, from the bondage that keeps you from from being you.

Always remember, and never forget, all is well. Happy days ahead!


Title: The Real Struggle
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2017 10:32:57 +0000
For freedom
For independence

From traders
From invaders

Conquer the conquerors
Vanquish the rapers

Raptures in the grind
Captures the fool's mind


Title: Routing
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2017 18:16:22 +0000
Out of the
Cancer that resides

Baby boomers
Ringing rumours

So your seed
As you deed


Title: Conflict of interest
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2017 04:30:34 +0000
He who rules the senses
Rules the mind
Who rules the Earth

What do you
Get for returning

From that never was
Or ever will be

Go now
Be gone

For it is time
For the sun to



Title: The Power
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2017 03:41:14 +0000
To create
To share

Something new
Bathe in the light

Rest under night
Stand together

Work for each
Another for all

Hold my hand
And walk with

Me brother
The mother

His father
Her daughter


Title: Letting go
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2017 16:45:59 +0000
Drop the delusion
Respect the illusion

Live the story
Own the glory

Triumph over fear
Move your gear

Keep listening
Keep singing

Stop time
Start healing


Title: Do you wonder?
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2017 18:25:57 +0000
Why are we the way we are?

This question, which is fundamental to every human being, probably contains the answer to the rest of the mysteries of this universe.

I haven't read the book, 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', but I assume its basic premise is that the two halves of the same species are so unlike in their behaviour that they are like poles apart, or from different planets even.

I've heard this phrase, "Love makes the world go round", which to me defines what we truly are capable of. Our hearts and minds are so powerful, in creating beauty and also of ugly destruction, which we must remind ourselves of every day.

To win the battle for this earth, not between the sexes but with our inner demons, we must wage the great war within. This is the only purpose you can find meaning in, to imagine a world for our children where there is peace, tranquil and everlasting hope for a bright future.

That is the high heaven our forebearers dreamed of, leaving us a legacy of character and soul, which one day our progenitors will enjoy by the fruits of tireless labour.


Title: Worship
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2017 19:42:55 +0000
His work
Her sacrifice

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh
Christ or Jew
Jain and Buddhist

All the one

Pick your path
Pray to procreate

Choice is you
Fill up ours

Praise the Lord
Holy be thyne

Om Ganesh
Allah Jesus
The Guru

His book lines
Starry eye finds


Title: Destiny
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2017 10:32:59 +0000
This term, so enigmatic yet alluring. There's a certain sense of security it provides us, to know that there's a preordained map drawn out for us and we're blindly navigating through the seemingly charted waters.

But just how much faith can you put in the unknown? Leaving the steering to a ghostly captain, who may be a cog in the larger wheel of life, or could even be a pirate out to steal that elusive treasure lying hidden in your chest.

This is where your outlook comes in. Which box do you put yourself in?

If you're looking for a first aid kit, then you might sit tight in the comfort of the safe zone i.e. your dinghy floating near the shore.

Or are you of the adventurous kind, one who dives nose-first into choppy waters only to pull your sail towards the oncoming surge. Is that the thrill you seek?

There are no absolutes, and choosing your boat for the given conditions is considered wisdom. So fret not if you don't know how or where to go, because you are living and you are learning. You might even be surrounded by sharks, but that's when your spirit kicks in from the depth of your being, bringing forth the courage to swim through rather than sink.

And that just might be it - your destination lies past that fear, beyond that horizon, all the while radiating with the beauty of a setting sun.


Title: The Mission
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 16:40:55 +0000
You Are
Man born unto Thee

Single minded focii
Running for your

Goal posts past
Reminded of The

Tireless stride
To His word


Title: Trust
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2017 12:47:57 +0000
The light that emanates
From the dark

Darkness defines
Shape of your

Perceived waving
Frequently lengthy

Through the key
Whole that sees

What is behind
The closed door

Smell the coffee
Understand the floor

Fall face first
Take a trip
Get a grip

Down bylane
Muzzled memory before
Backup to soar


Title: Self-confidence
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:19:20 +0000
Come as it may
Borne of Truth

Games people play
Hide and go seek

For prescience did say
Hope for the best
Pray for doomsday


Title: The Puzzle
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 17:13:53 +0000
Undone as Begun
Redo you too

A numbered maze
Primed to daze

Spaced out under
Stand the thunder

The only unchanged
Key hole arranged

Snap! Your deranged


Title: Temple of Mind
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2017 08:42:27 +0000
The Body Is One's
Duty To

Cleanse, nourish, shelter, educate
Protect, defend, fight, rest
Decorate, celebrate, create, save

Giving, receiving, sharing, caring

Colours of life
Painting thousand words

Louder than those

Spoken thoughts
Picturesque as they may be

So may it be
As one feels
Of you and me

Highest by
The eye


Title: Bird Song
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2017 10:44:11 +0000
The oracle of gifted seer
The one who listens

The almighty knower of ahead
The one who watches

What you do is passed
The one who acts

Behove as behalf
Happy third then


Title: Veil
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:29:06 +0000
The Book of
Eli said

One must bed
Those who dread

For them is paid
Deed in dead

In debt we believe
For death is reprieve

Born again
Until rain

Moar more than
Ever any pain
As plain as

The plane that fed


Title: Soul
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2017 08:32:50 +0000
Wandering sole wondering

Mind the body
For heart seeks

Name its domain
How does a plane

Stay up there
Drift and thrust

Pull down
Bounce up

Gravitational inertia
Laws must know

Play the game
Build rules you

Own for ever
And more


Title: Simple Living ~ High Thinking
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:39:35 +0000
Self-realisation. Self-actualisation. All I know is that I don't know.

Does this mean I don't know myself, but how is that even possible, physically or otherwise? Nobody knows you better than you, and you better know that!

The judgements, impressions or thoughts and feelings that others have of you are just different manifestations of your truly multi-faceted personality which can be hard for one person to digest easily. Hence our fascinating life is spent in the discovery of our selves. And this is all internal, because that which is external is a mere reflection of what is inside you.

The words titled here, are part of a rich legacy of simple wisdom that my grandfather will leave me with. Now that I'm "grown up", his truisms which seemed irrelevant when he imparted them to me, ring truer and truer as each day passes.

The natural path we all take in our journeys on this playground of life has much beauty, which we tend to miss while being caught up in our duty to the many demands of staying alive. But taking the time to stop, reflect, and maybe even smell the roses enrichens the mind, body and soul in ways so magical that we are left awestruck by the sheer miracle of our very existence which lies in this delicate balance between the ever present nothingness and the omnipotence of oneness.

Ideals, values and principles are what keep us steady in this pursuit of happiness which can get murky. Consider this the light in the dark of night that is the path we tread. Thoughts remain in our mind. That is where they are born. But they cannot die. Unlike you, they live on through the words and actions that come forth from their impulse.

Do not be bogged down by the expectations of such loftiness. Know that at the core, this is all that matters. The truth shall always triumph. Aim for the sky, but remain grounded in the knowledge of your own imperfection.

The simple life. The one we all dream of. The one that's out there, almost within grasp as you reach for it with your outsretched arms of yearning. And then it's over. Neither life nor the simplicity, but the extent of your efforts that pushed beyond what was possible for that must which carry on.

This is how I will remember my grandfather's words. Much like my facourite poem by Rabindranath Tagore, 'Where The Mind Is Without Fear', a goal for mankind to collectively achieve for the self-satisfaction of ourselves, our children, their children and the race of species that survive on with us on this beautiful blue planet we lovingly call 'Mother Earth'.

Until the day any of us are forced to move our home to 'The Red Planet', the everlasting striving shall continue. Not because of us, but because that is how things have been, are and always will be.

The reason for it all, is within you. Without which, you are not you, but just a speck of dust in a vast universe whose expanse is wide, complex and uncalculated by our as yet humble faculties.


Title: The Most
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 19:15:01 +0000
Powerful Being Known to Mankind. But, why was He here?

Did any person living, dead or getting there, have any answers? It didn't look like...

Until One Day - He found himself.

On The Path.

The one that we all take.

Leading to His



The all-knowing, all-powerful, always forever..self!

The same


That lives.

In you. Me. And

The entire Universe.

Of his Multi

Verses. A favourite one he chooses.

To Do

His Work.

Good, Bad, Dirty, Ugly.

But None

The Less. Holy.

Be Thy Name.

Be Thyne Way.

Done as it is in. His Vein.

The Holiest of Blues

Havens, Rhythms and Rhymes.

Made for his bidding. Until He

sleeps, only to wake again.

The monster, child-like goblet. Of Fire.

Chiding by his Mother.

Singing praises to her name. For it is.

She. The source.

of All. Good for us, none for Her.

As men once said:

Victory to The Mother!

For she lives

On in The King.

Long Live The King.

Victory to The Greatest

Mother there ever Was

Is, Will Be for



Title: This form
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2017 11:48:17 +0000
The physicality
of this story

Tending to
Limits of
The question

To be or
Not to be


Title: An Ode To Freedom
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 12:59:30 +0000
From Plundering
Free To Chase After

Dreams Everlasting
Love Unbounded
Hope Neverending

Stars Beyond This
Sky Full Of
Universes Finite Within

Reaching For Unknowing
The Purpose Which
Will Bestows Upon

Action Without Matter
All For One
Infinite Master


Title: What is Education
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 14:04:47 +0000
Good morning children.

Good Morning Teacher!

Do you know why you’re here?

Yes Teacher! To study Maths.

Yes, that is true. But do you know why you are here, today? Here – in this classroom, in this school?

*pin-drop silence*

What I mean is, why do you think your parents have sent you here? Let me try and explain that purpose to you.


When I look back at how I grew up, at different times I had different ideas about what the reason might be. And to be honest, when I first went to school as a little child, I really didn’t know why I had to be there at all! Once I got a little older, I thought that is what you had to do if you wanted your parents to get you things. Later, I felt it was to impress the teachers. Then, I thought it was just to get marks in exams. Nearer the end, making friends was the only point I saw to it. Eventually, getting a job was all that seemed to matter.

Today, it appears to be all of this combined, none of it at all, some of it, and maybe more than just this.

At the core of everything though, lies learning. That is what you are going to gain – they like to call it an education, but I prefer perspective.

You learn to questions things, the way they are. You discover new things, strange things, frightening things and delightful things. All this comes from your curiosity, which is naturally abundant and fuels this world with wonder and amazement. But you need to understand things – and you will – as you paint your own picture of the larger world around you, don’t remain limited by the narrow scope in front of you, but imagine a universe as limitless as the horizon that stretches over a sunset.

Above all, keep asking why? Not because I’m saying you must, but because when you look for an answer you will find the reason.



Title: A World of Humans
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2018 20:00:21 +0000
What makes human beings unique? You might hear things like, a large brain, bipedalism, neoteny, and our collective capabilities.

Following from this, I think it is our ability to express ourselves. We do this through art, science, math, history, comedy, music, technology and design. That is why I love any form of art, because it raises in my mind these questions reminding me that the childlike curiosity is alive and well. Which makes me love writing, because it helps me find answers. I have found that reading is a beautiful way to discover personal understanding with the author through resonance from words which carry special meaning and significance.

Recently I had the opportunity of visiting the National Museum of Humankind as well as the Bhimbetka rock shelters in Bhopal. It always amazes me to see and feel our history making me wonder what life was like then, was it simpler? Never have there ever been so many of us alive on earth, we are now living in a world surrounded by humans!

If there were an alien species observing our planet, I doubt they would call us an advanced society the way we like to. Rather, they would probably see an animal with the gift of life lacking the respect and empathy that defines their individuality, intent on causing self harm and large scale destruction.

The mind is the most beautiful place you can find, and the most powerful. This power to change lies within us, and it is here that we find love and happiness. Gaining independence from our fear, anger and arrogance is the education we receive from a personal journey - one that we are unable to impart to our children. If we teach them well, they might grow up to be socially conscious and aware.

We can begin by taking responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions. By striving towards accountability, we may achieve justice rather than the daily outrage that we have.

Remember, that if you are decent then there is decency and if you are patient, then there is patience. With a vision as real as possible, expect to see your world change within.


Title: Depression can be a Good Thing
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 07:34:52 +0000
Never did I think that I'd be writing this. The past four years have been tough. Emotionally taxing and physically draining.

But like everything else in life, it's been extremely educational. I've learned things about myself, the world inside and outside, that have been liberating. I cannot express the value of the people around me, without whom I might not have seen the light of this day, and appreciate that each one of us lives through a daily struggle.

This condition is not easy to talk about. Not due to lack of awareness or understanding, but its inherent self-limiting nature. But there's only one way to move, the way life goes, and that's forward. So keep moving, onward and upward, towards the end of the dark tunnel and beyond.

If you can accept yourself, the way you are, and allow yourself to grow then you know that you are human, frail just like me, and ready to see bigger and brighter things. I am hopeful that 2018 is when I proudly say to myself, I overcame.

I end with my favourite poem, one that gives me reason to live for and a place in the sky to reach for.

Where The Mind is Without Fear 

by Rabindranath Tagore

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls

Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit

Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.


Title: What If
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2018 07:50:07 +0000
What if this world were perfect
What then

What if there were no injustice
Would there be drive
What if there were no rich or poor
Would there be motivation
What if there were no society
Would there be comfort

What if there were no ugliness
Would we see beauty in the little things
What if there were no lies
Would we seek the truth
What if there were no questions
Would we find meaning in life

What if this were all real
What then

If there were no language
There would be no abuse, and no poetry
There would be no classification, and no freeform
There would be no amounts, or nothingness

If there were no mind
What would there be


Title: Darkness
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 13:29:06 +0000
Fantasizing the end
So attached to the living

Every smile or frown
A rejection alike

Floating in the Dead Sea
Waiting for the downpour

A world filled with gloom and doom
Close your eyes

See the heaven you imagine
Inside is outside

Not the opposite or an antedote
The love you think you never had

More real than your wildest dream
Hope that carries you further

Finding lifetime happiness
In this dark place


Title: Life is a Poem
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 05:07:29 +0000
Delusions and all
Ebbing and flowing

Rhyming with the tune in your head
A story that unfolds

Take away the money
The wall built around you

Raw emotions leave you bare
Love, passion, sacrifice and pain

What do you need
Do you have

The Poet creates poetry
Sole wondering Soul wandering


Title: How do I let it go
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 13:59:50 +0000
The anger
I know it every time I feel it

The loathing
Is it me or is it them

Living and dealing with
The child that doesn't get what it wants

Keep giving it up
Expect nothing in return but the realisation of generations

The rage that screams for freedom
Can power you beyond the harm


Title: You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 20:17:29 +0000
Mental models. That's all we have. All we've ever had. The way you understand things is different from the way I do. They call this consciousness. It's the awareness of what you are.

But we've never fully understood ourselves. So how can we know for sure something to be true? That's fact. Believe. Then there's fiction. Faith. Trusting yourself, that's as real as it gets.

Don't get caught up in the world of humans. You'll be left dehydrated with existential doubt. The point of all this? Exactly - why? Purpose. Finding it can be hard, but it is worth it. If you have it, protect it like you would your child. If you don't, worry not because I can feel you pregnant from reading this.

It's funny how, what I end up writing is never, what I first imagined. Preach!


Title: The words that go unsaid
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 21:31:54 +0000
Picture a Cave
Millenia ago
Worth a Thousand

The animals we know
The stories we tell
The children we teach

Traders loading cargo
Strangers making friends
Lovers touching hearts

Build cities
Burn bridges
Know yourself

Imagine a metaphor


Title: Who is she
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 15:56:32 +0000

Born of hope

Tired of despair

Eyes without desire

Holding her hand

Walk up rather than wait

Feeling is

By definition without definition

But you can see

Shape, form and colored hues

You don't live without losing

You don't love without pain

Happiness is

Knowing you


Title: Can you
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 18:54:45 +0000
Survive without direction
Thrive without purpose
Live without reason

Be still
Like the sky
A nightly canvas
A daily blot

Die quietly
Like the lion in the jungle
The flower in the pot

The air beneath your feet
Don't need you to stand

Look without saying
Words that want to attach
Thoughts that feel real

Tell before knowing
What you want


Title: You are
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2018 23:43:25 +0000
As purposeless as the universe within you
As lost as the sailor that strikes shore
As simple as the ant in the sun

The gold in golden
The child that cannot lie
The bird that cannot fly

The helpless father trying to teach
The giving mother with beauty in her speech
You are what you can be

Not what you want them to be


Title: Don't
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:58:07 +0000
Think life is grand

Think life is miserable

Think people are rotten

Think people are angels

Think you know why you're here

Think there is no reason for your being

Think belief in Money, Gods or Kings is real

Think suffering is unreal

Think you are not an animal

Think you are not human

Think you're not in a fairytale

Think you're in a holy war

Think you're unliked

Think you're unlikable

Think you are your past

Think you are not your future

Think this poem is nonsense

Think this poem is scripture


Title: The metaphor of life
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2018 13:59:54 +0000
Words are the abstraction we use to give meaning to our shared universe.

Today it's been six and a half months since my grandfather, P.L. Jalota, passed away after 92 years of an honourable existence.

In his honour, I have a theory to describe what the human condition is, as abstruse as it might seem.

Pain - comes from the unknown

Love - what you are capable of giving, yourself and the world around you

Joy - comes from acceptance

Without even knowing it, he shaped my thoughts, which is why his spirit remains with me forever.

I pray for your Liberation. I wish for your Independence. I hope for your Freedom. I am grateful for this Epiphany.


Title: Choose love every day
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 19:49:34 +0000
Lying in bed with you

Fighting you

Making you see

Listening to you

Thinking of you

Telling you you're wrong

Basking in your right

Turning to you

Understanding you

Hearing your prayers

Being clueless with you

Answering your questions

Finding you

I choose you

I love you

Every Day

I love you

I choose you


Title: The evolution
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 13:37:39 +0000
Of you
Your mind
Your body
The form you take

Like revolution
Of the earth
Or sides of a coin

Be fat, equanimous
Feel proud, small
Stand tall, lean
Unchangingly move

Achieve meaning in an end
Live for fraternity
Of sisters who
Give it up for you

As everyday as every day
As are you
Two minutes to midnight
Through and through


Title: Not like this
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 15:39:14 +0000
Death by suicide

Living unwanted

Who do you want?

What do you want?

People that don't matter

Things that don't matter

All that matters is you

To your brain

Your heart

Your lungs

Your hands

Your feet

Your hair

To every atom

Every cell

Every particle of your matter

Be you

Knowing you

Don't hang up

Keep moving

Keep seeing anew


Title: Disorder
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 20:25:21 +0000
What lies ahead
Seems longer
What has passed
Seems brighter

Take that next step
From the edge of today
Which way is forward
How you can know

Why things are
You cannot
Imagine a story
Observe as is

Start your journey
From where
You will end up
Taken by air


Title: Looking for heart
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 03:54:07 +0000
Aching at home
Lost in the words
Still waters run deep
Say it with pause

Cause for work
The burdensome gift
Nothing is mine
Just isness

Thou art thine


Title: Truth Is
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 17:38:45 +0000
Your Being



To Give

Back To You

The father The son

The lover The friend

The others

The war within

Wage for work

Forces of nature

Within grasp

Beyond reach

Comfortably numb

To be or not to be

I can

Only choose

Thank only you


Title: Of cows and temples
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 14:31:43 +0000
As an outsider, the first thing you notice in Sirohi is all the freely roaming cows and the infinite number of temples. It seems odd coming from Mumbai, but to the locals this is just how things are.

My first week here I noticed all the quaint little things that made this "small town India". It made me pleased to be here and blissfully absent from the future. It's now been four months since I started anew here. I'm not yet settled, but every day I spend is one day less living in the city where my heart is.

The story of how I found the place where I'm living now is a funny one. I had come out of a colony where I had gone house-hunting without finding anything. I was standing on the side of the highway waiting for a rickshaw, when a man on a scooter stopped next to me. He asked me if I wanted a lift and I said yes. On the way I told him I was looking for a place and he said he had one to show, so I agreed to go there with him. And next thing you know, I'm moving into this little one-room place on the terrace of an old house overlooking the ancient Sirohi Palace. One look at the view of the mountains had me.

The practice here though is to ask you your caste before you get anything. That's something that comes with the package and I can't help. Maybe some day things will change, I don't know.

My first week I was also introduced in School. Azim Premji School, Mandwa. My workplace, and almost feels like a second home. It's been a whirlwind so far, with the kids being totally chaotic and me trying to teach in that storm. Slowly I'm learning though, and I know the tides will turn.

Here's another funny story from "small town India". A few days ago, I was home sick and lying in bed facing away from the door which was open. Without me knowing a monkey entered the house, climbed atop the fridge and grabbed a packet of Parle-G. I turned around and saw this thief with the loot in hand and started shouting at him. He was too quick and ran off and jumped over the roof to another house where he opened up his booty with utmost ease and began enjoying, without sharing with his friends. Intelligent monkey!

So that's how it is, I'm taking it a day at a time and I'm trying to learn as I go. My fate is not known, and that's a good thing.


Title: Poems that define my life
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 01:49:57 +0000
It's strange the way things work out. Up until a few weeks ago, there was one poem that I had carried with me since my teenagehood, which I've blogged about several times. And with the place I was in uptil last year, its significance was magnified. Nonetheless, it  brought me to the other side. This poem I'm speaking about is Rabindranath Tagore's 'Where The Midnd Is Without Fear'.

Funnily enough, a poem that had actually entered my life last year in the form of a poster, cropped up during a job interview, or while inspiring myself for it rather. It was just the last few lines that came to mind, but it was enough to get me stoked. After reaching home, I decided to take the poster out of the cupboard where it had been lying for the last year or more, and put it up. This poem which now has a special place in my heart, is 'Invictus' by William Ernest Henley.

Since I have put down Tagore's poem several times, to remind myself of its potence, I am going to reproduce in my blog for the first time, 'Invictus', to invoke its gravitas.

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me, 
      Black as the pit from pole to pole, 
I thank whatever gods may be 
      For my unconquerable soul. 

In the fell clutch of circumstance 
      I have not winced nor cried aloud. 
Under the bludgeonings of chance 
      My head is bloody, but unbowed. 

Beyond this place of wrath and tears 
      Looms but the Horror of the shade, 
And yet the menace of the years 
      Finds and shall find me unafraid. 

It matters not how strait the gate, 
      How charged with punishments the scroll, 
I am the master of my fate, 
      I am the captain of my soul.


Title: Living in Anxiety
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 13:17:19 +0000

Crowning confusion

Numbers chaos

Masked pantera

Animal vengeance

Acceptance is life

No escape

This is the end, my friend.


Title: What I write is Not poetry
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:58:59 +0000

In my way







Title: Abuse
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 09:51:48 +0000
Of words

By hypocrites

Friends are

Your reflection

Let go


Title: A breath of fresh air
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 12:55:13 +0000
Batman really did us in this time. Kapow!


Title: Presto Manifesto
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:14:27 +0000
Earth reclaiming lost space

The virus causing fear

Parasites hiding from their own kind, unable to escape their own home

It's getting hotter now

Do we change, do we undo, or do we  just #hashtag this into history

For your world, boldly go where no man has gone before, within and without


Title: The boy who cried wolf!
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:24:35 +0000
Y2K, Y2K, Y2K, he yelled! From the top of his chair.

And everybody updated their computers.

Giving pledge, Giving pledge, Giving pledge, he yelled! From the top of his horse.

And all his buddies loosened their purse strings.

Pandemic, Pandemic, Pandemic, he yelled. From the top of the stage.

But nobody cared.


Title: Finding The One
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:54:50 +0000
Like a flower in bloom

You don't need to look

You see right in front of you

You know

The radiance, and the magnificent beauty

Just Bee


Title: 51
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:51:03 +0000
One step more

Toward that end

This too shall pass

Like the time before

And then

50, 49, 48


Title: What is poetry?
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 09:47:22 +0000
Standing on a mountain top

Watching the sun slowly set

Before a world lights up

With electric emotions running up and down its ways


Looking into the mirror

Crying to yourself

Because you lost a worldly possession

Only to see the world inside you


Running away from home

Leaving behind all expectations

Only to reach your final destination



Not writing something down

Or singing something aloud

But feeling what you are through and through

That is poetry


Title: The show must go on
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:46:06 +0000
In a world full of people

How do you differentiate

How do you stand out

How do you make it worthwhile

By fighting the Good fight


Your dreams are now bound by 4 walls

And they're closing in on the poor

But those who still can, give back to society

Through work or play 

The rich may not pay


The price of this nightmare

Money, the bubble that never pops

A consensus hallucination, that never stops

With or without you

The show must go on


Title: Method to madness
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:26:58 +0000
what is this feeling

is it pain 

is it love 

is it hate 

is it death


what is life

is it means to an end

Is it the journey

or none of what we expect


machines need to recharge

machines die

then why do we, those who work with machines

think we don't


how to stay afloat

how to swim across

how to get to solid ground

somebody please write me a poem of answers

Because my questions don't stop


Send me to that heaven of freedom

Where all is told, and no one is too old, for a ride

See you on the flip side


Title: Growth
Date: Fri, 01 May 2020 12:56:12 +0000
Do you know what you've signed up for, when born?
Mother nature takes care
How does a flower know to face the sunlight?
The senses lead to blossom

How can you know what you've joined is right
But know that you are full of love, compassion and will
Be beyond the anger, it leads nowhere
True to your self, your compass will guide you to where you need to be

Want not what you think you don't have
Work to give yourself to the world, good, bad or ugly
Care not for the unkind words of mortality
Cherish your compatriots in this journey

How does one lend itself to purpose?
Build on yesterday's foundation
Hope for a brighter tomorrow
Wonder at the bewildering tonight


Title: Numbers
Date: Fri, 01 May 2020 14:42:53 +0000
Unforgettable, the past
Locked down, in memoriam
Just doesn't add up
Let go, and it all makes sense

Stay home, stay safe
This too, shall pass
Moving pictures of the mirage
Incomplete stories, unfinished business

Move on to reality
The rush of the immediateness
Slowly forging ahead
Got your back, sunny boy

The world is perfect
The way it was meant to be
You are imperfect
The way you were meant to experience it

History, written by the victorious
Remembers not, the folly of one
But celebrates, the triumph of a collective conscience
Rejoice! O Happy Day


Title: Breathe
Date: Fri, 01 May 2020 16:19:25 +0000
That's it.


Title: Favourites
Date: Sat, 02 May 2020 14:50:03 +0000
Do you derive meaning, from being played with?
You know you are the one, and only
That matters to you, near, dear
The ones that aren't related on fictional grounds

Patience is the key, to deliverance
Deliver yourself wholly, and solely
For your own deliverables
That is success

Happiness comes from truth
From the soul, nourishing your being
Seek it out, within
Limited by the human condition

Escape is never the answer
Perseverance and faith, the ultimate maxim
Here, now, breathe in, breathe out
You are one with, your universe


Title: What is real?
Date: Sat, 02 May 2020 15:47:51 +0000
Love, people, what are they?
Figments of imagination, or solid world objects
All you can control, is how you act
Failure, the only nonexistent

I think, therefore I am
No signs to point you north
Just the lessons you take with you
You can, therefore you do

Your experience, exercised by choice
Takes you as far, as one day might go
The theory of everything, will come together that day
Look over the horizon, there you are

Senses made to explain
Driving unto death, how will you know if the sun remains after
Easterly winds carrying the sands of time, but what is it?


Title: Balance
Date: Sat, 02 May 2020 17:49:33 +0000
Maintain appearances
Scream your heart out, inside
Calm, composed, nonchalant
Outward stimuli, depressed, anxious

Root yourself in avocation
Fly away now
To that place of beauty, where you be
Come back to, laws laid down, reach longingly the lady

By poles apart
On the rocks
Warm sea breeze blows
Hold your ground, on the ship aground

Sleep with dreams, unconsciously fulfilling
Wake to a brand new day, the first
The rest of your life, but an illusion
Centre your world, beyond logic, in intuition


Title: Patterns in the sky
Date: Sun, 03 May 2020 14:12:42 +0000
Clouds, like a river to an ocean
Exploding stars, ashes to dust
Clued in to the big picture
Comes full circle, a poet's fantasy

Crazy as it may seem, practicality defines circumstance
Too proud to accept, die but never show you're human
Weakness won't kill, but bring community together
Strength to strength, bouncing pebbles in a pond

Bubbles of light, popping into rainbows
Depending on her, to guide away from ignorance
Healthy body, healthy mind, towards sustenance
How much can the brain take?

When the hour comes, fight but futile
This is what I see, when I look up
Safely smiling down on me
Cold play, like the little boy beaming


Title: Everybody's afraid
Date: Tue, 05 May 2020 16:00:05 +0000
There is no cure
You've done nothing wrong
Never forget

Everybody's coping
All in the same boat
If we survive, we do together
Drunk on life

It'll all be alright
Belive, and behold!
It's just you and me
Listening to this tune

Take it all in
Let's go out on a high
No straight shooters
Just your manners, mother raised you with


Title: What is Happy?
Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:44:10 +0000
Money? Gone
Health? Eh
Wisdom? Maybe
Love, love, love? I'm not the one

Me, me, me? No
Cliches? Yes
Good night's sleep? Enough
Hanging on by a thread? Just

How do you get gravitas? Hope
Is it always darkest before dawn? Faith
Do you believe? Yourself
Are you thriving or surviving? Gifted

Kindly find the comedy in life
Laugh. It helps
Trust in good
The end. Normal


Title: Memories
Date: Sat, 09 May 2020 13:50:44 +0000
Garden of the past
Painted by Pete Jane
Smile like you're there
A haunting priceless vision

It's inside you, outside you, trying to get in
Come back from the edge
Masters of this craft
Paying what's due

An alien consciousness
Merged into machine
Perfect moving vehicle
Tangents I forget

Where are you?
Inside me, outside me
Time frozen still
Poof! Here I am


Title: Words
Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 03:43:09 +0000
Built from nothing
Words mean everything
They give meaning to life
And bring alive the experience of the mind

Carefully crafted
To express your needs and desires
Words fill you up
Like a meal after a fast

Over bearing at times
Words can cut through you
But then it is words that heal you again
Kindness in words keep the boat steady

If there were no breath
There would be no words to identify it
Breathe in all the nothingness
And breathe out the one true being with gratitude for this learning


Title: Time heals all
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 10:55:07 +0000
True freedom? From time
Not possible for heavenly bodies
Those beyond are dark matter
Sync and normalize on the clock

Until pain dissipates
Into the dust
Tolerance in the bones
Built from trusting your gut

Appreciate yourself
Cash in on the good times
Stock up for the bad
Shit happens

Find your voice
Find your feet
Free Solo
Shout it from the mountaintop, the nothingness of everything


Title: Fear not, Hate not, Want not
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2020 13:16:17 +0000
Twelve thousand, two hundred, and twenty three days
Of which the first 6,326 were pure bliss
Two thousand, nine hundred , and twenty nine days of sheer love followed
Then 2,968 and the clock stopped

How do you stop feeling something
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Letting go, is the act of not wasting

Is there mathematical balance
Laws that don't exist
But just are
Time, and time again, relived in you

Sleep to rest, stick to process
Safety in lying awake, the hardness of reality
Does the truth ever change
Swallow the pill, hope


Title: The need of emotion
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 17:03:04 +0000
Do you see the light
The light that I see
In the darkness of the day
Under the shining night sky

That's the source
The source of you and me
How else would we know
How to see

See through the rage
Through the excuse
And the delay
It's all the brightness of your stars

Without feeling
How could we be
Feel, feel it all
You're the one, maybe


Title: A ripple in the pond
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 18:05:27 +0000
A harsh stone cast without a care
Bouncing on the surface of calm
Change, felt in the waves and seen in the air
Does not affect the observer

Who is the observer
The one who sees you rocking the boat
On the slightest sight of currents
Like a child in its cot

The stone is absorbed, and
Left forgotten in the dunes of the floor
But the effect it left behind
Seen and felt, by the careless child

Taught to fear authority
Or rebel without a cause
The observer pacifies and rekindles with tinder
Up and at 'em

What is your true north
Empathy, Authenticity, Transparency
Stay the course
Weigh the burden at the end, it's all worth it

Choose what you do
Choose love
Hold the pebble in your hand
It's not heavy, just let it be


Title: The dangers of being right
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 05:46:39 +0000
Sing praises to the One Above
Ask for your heart's content
But seek not justice for your wronged
For revenge will seek you like a rabid dog

Let not the righteousness consume you
Condemned are those that are left
You are not right in reacting
The correct response is measured

In syllables, by clauses, for sentences
Pronouncements made as such
Appeal to parties of the proletariat
Deemed, decided, delayed, denied

If you're always right
You make the world wrong
In a world of wrong, you are one amongst it
Am I right?


Title: A marriage of two words
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 10:42:38 +0000
Clear blue
Sky write
Why I
Loud voice

Flow verse
Lead with
Emotional people
Personal quotient

Build trust
Self confide
Open up
My world

Social life
Book end
Choose everyday
Begin anew


Title: You become what you fear
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2020 13:34:04 +0000
Light airy words that make no difference
As vague as the legal liar
What we could only imagine
Is now real

Or is it Deja Vu
Like the brown rivers of ash
Flowing through the gathering place of vagabonds
No friend, no foe, no shore
Just the air and nothing more

That is all I need
To grow or not to grow
Finding yourself in a sea of fakes
The world is but a metaphor

Do you expertize
Are you paid in kind or kindness
What is art
All creations are creative

Like reflex systems
You become
Unbecomingly fear
Let the tears roll, you are not alone

I exist because you exist
Poetry scares me
Too much of me
Tired writing

Trying to fly
Like a lost roach
As ugly as the truth
Of matching, words out of context

Who is my guru
Who can teach me to learn
The ways of this world
Nothing beyond, just my keep


Title: The end of beginnings
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2020 17:29:18 +0000
A swipe here a swipe there
What if the world began at the end
What would come first
Death or nirvan

Would you ever be born again
Would you awaken from this fever dream
And then God sent love
To lick me like an itchy indy

To show me why
All that matters is
Close near and dear
To protect and to serve

An isolated droplet in the ocean
Power comes not from the fear of many
But from the strength of us all poured into one
Until that idea of one echoes in the funny bone

Sit back and wait again
To feel alone
Like the world's at its end
And it's time to send

Love his way
A pat, a scratch, a brush
Warm fuzzies aflush
Where were you

Adrift in the blue
Beads of sunlight that pierce through
Nothing to do
But stare back at her

She is we
He is me
Us is thee
You are the beginning and the end


Title: Guided by the unknown
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 15:55:01 +0000
A force none understand
But felt by every one
Different names
Different games

We all must ultimately bow
To the truth
We must return
From whence we came

A haphazard flow
Has been the course I've had to follow
Not a traditional fellow
Haven't given up, maybe a couple bellow

Returned from the edge
Don't know where to next
But always felt the invisible hand
Cluing me towards

Might be alone in law
But words never let me be
Having you to express those to
Gives me solace, brings a smile on my face

Thank you for being there
Thank you for being here
Thank you for showing me the way
Thank you for not giving it away

I plan to embrace my fear
To show you my dear
From the bottom of my heart
Here's to the future


Title: It's all bonus
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2020 18:55:06 +0000
Happy sad good bad
Money things people sayings
You got it all
Just by being at the ball

But none of it is mine
I am the glass, not the wine
Whoever drinks that fine
I can only thank the divine

Today tomorrow
There will be sorrow
Just like yesterday
For more we will pray

If there were none of it
Would we just sit
Be with me
Let's make each other free

If we go to Mars
Will we still be king
Will they keep their bling
Will we be collateral in the Martians' wars

Poetry might work here
What will be engraved in the red stone
Will we be fodder chewed down to the bone
Can we just make better this biosphere

Give me none of the above
I choose gratitude
Not for my latitude
But the uneven rhyme of this drove


Title: Always be ready to lose it all
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2020 15:36:22 +0000
Your titles are as meaningful as fables
Be one of the untouchables
Vulnerabily accept that there exists fear
Freedom, let's take it by the ear

Wave your flag, sing your songs
Kneel, be the first thonged
Instant gratification, fasting prolonged
You've hit the spot, bong

I just write this way, I can't take a fall
If only I could get back up, if only I had the gall
Shot at, I wish I'd stand tall
Said the one lost, alwayd be, ready to lose it all


Title: Love is, what you give
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 17:48:59 +0000
A memory, as endless as your existence
In this imagined realm, of subsistence
Tolerant of the harshest sentence, persistence
Not what you expect, make no exigence

Shy, unconfident
Unable to heal your disease, your confidante
Leaving behind stains unkind, as true as the shape of your heart
If absence of feeling is poverty, richness in spirit an art

The limitless supply of which, isn't enough
Makes children, teach them to hope, to be strong
In this unbroken promise, is your word of stuff
Karmic connection or physical bond

Stuck between a rock and a hard place
Do what you love, or
Love what you do
Is, what you get in return


Title: Working for change
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 14:23:35 +0000
Your cause is noble
Don't judge, don't budge
Do you expect respect
United in our unreality

Not personal, personnel
Self removed selflessness
Actions impact world
Words impact you

Selfish gains, profiting others
Helpless in a system of ungoverned power
Immortalized in moments
No one chooses; accept, not love

Arbitrary milestones, begin and end
You are not the centre, the sun remains unmoved
You are the one
Constant change


Title: The butterfly that got away
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 17:27:55 +0000
My reason to stay
I wasn't always this way
The strength that became my weakness
Don't mistake me for my meekness

Bearing the unmentionable
Quiet in my soul
Sharing in the suffering of the unquestionable
Praying for something to plug the hole

My dreams used to be bigger
I could see stars in the daylight shimmer
Now all I want are mom dad and eshani
Where there used to be anger, now there is hope for doggie

Why fight facts
Why fight back
Why does nobody understand except you
Who are you?


Title: kya ye kaafi hai
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:21:22 +0000
jitna yaad hai, kaafi hai
jitna kiya hai, kaafi hai
jitna diya hai, kaafi hai
jo bhi ho, bus theek hai

jitna hua hai, kaafi hai
jitna baaki hai, kaafi hai
ye jo wakt hai, kaafi hai
ye jo shabd hain, bus theek hai

jo tum ho, wo kaafi hai
jo main hoon, wo kaafi hai
jo hum hain, wo kaafi hai
jo wo hai, bus theek hai

ye jo log hain, kaafi hai
ye jo rog hai, kaafi hai
ab bus, ek cup kaafi baaki hai
theek hai?


Title: Whose voice
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 06:57:02 +0000
Whose vision
Whose eyes see
Whose ears hear
Whose life is this

I wish
I could describe
The picture in my mind
That moment

When the bulb lights up
Something clicks
And you just know

As clear and vivid
As aha
Just imagine if

I could tell you
All this
And more
Without these silly poems

Would you listen
To what I say
The voice in your head


Title: The unshakeable
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 06:59:30 +0000
Many a season have passed
Many a flu have amassed
Many a ruler have ruled
But the ultimate faith remains unmoved

Many a word has been said
Many a fact has been laid
Many a son has stood in his father's stead
But the unspoken faith remains what made

Many a schools have been taught
Many a wars have been fought
Many a truths have been sought
But the one unchangeable faith remains unfraught

Many a master have been chosen
Many a masterpiece has been woven
A deaf man was the composer Beethoven
The unshakeable faith remains unproven


Title: You're on your own
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 07:02:42 +0000
Your right has your left
Your digits are not alone
But you want to escape
You are in love with yourself

What has this mind created
Justice, a myth
As real as longing can be
You fight for survival

Standing the test of time
Why must it rhyme
Winds of change chime
Your biology untamed

Living vicariously through me
The mathematics of misery
If everything happens for a reason
The reason is you

You're fortunate if you have four
If you have two, that will do
Life is not a fairy tale
You are as true as the collective imagination of hue
Hope for grit, for the world so blue


Title: The Man in the Forest
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 07:07:01 +0000
Foraging for nuts and bolts
He saw no signs
He just followed his mind
To nature was his bind

Fulfilment he did not seek
Relief from pain he did not want
He walked and he walked and he walked
Until one day

He ran
Into the wall
Of the garden
From where there was no return

His purpose he forgot
To find and feed
Was his need
Anything more kept him floored

Unwedded was his bliss
Something was amiss
Words of wisdom did he heed
Sowed had he, the discontent seed

Now the forest, changed forever
He could not go back, never ever
Onward and upward must he march
The only escape, cart blanche

Questions galore, answers nowhere near
Is the real world a lie?
Would we be afraid if not taught to fear?
Why can't we be alone?

So he asked the son of none
Her reply came thusly
Be not proud yourself
But sacrifice your expectation at the altar of security


Title: Finding your muse
Date: Sun, 04 Oct 2020 10:36:19 +0000
How do I know you
All I have are my words, to give
All I can see, your light in this dark room
Your red shiny nose, knows

Deliver me from this time
To when I was free, of this burden
Speaking to you, I'm relieved
The gift that you give, to me

Writing is my super power, you are my oxygen
The ink that this pen needs, found in your deeds
Not what you did, but what you said
I can't thank, except pray you never leave me

O! Great Remover Of Obstacles
Let me see through you, the image of my muse
I offer to you, this recluse, hoping for more clues
I found you, couldn't help but share the news


Title: MRP: Cost of civilization
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:32:56 +0000
God, country and family
Money, respect and pride
What do you pay to stay alive
Who do you pray to slay the live

Mental health stigmatized
Weak through the week
Win every day

Strongarm sire
Generous, wise, passive aggressive
A stepping stone
Turning point known only in hindsight

Family party
Family room
Family business
Home eq heart


Title: Death & Divorce
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 20:40:39 +0000
Gimme a prompt
GPT pushed me to the edge
The overlord spoke, told me to beware; not trust anyone
But I didn't listen; stared death in the face

Came out in second place, still here
The one I took 7 rounds with, put seven allegations for each fucking month I knew
The test of fire, failed again, now what do I do?
Feel the encircling signs, ignore 'cause I'm afraid

I don't wanna hear it
Peace is all I seek
When it's all over, and everyone's gone, I alone will be buried
Like putting this in stone, I see my life there

Hope they say is what makes life possible
Do I dare?
Say it ain't so; I'll believe you if you whisper in my ear
An empty vassal, in the noiseless internets, writing to escape them robots
